Hergé/Tintin Auction (Le Petit Vingtième)

Tintin and Quick and Flupke make their first appearance in Le Petit Vingtième. Ninety years ago the first "Le Petit Vingtième", was published as a weekly supplement for children to the Belgian newspaper "Le Vingtième Siècle". One year later, in 1929, Hergé starts with 'Tintin au Pays des Soviets' (Tintin in the Land of the Soviets). The rest is Comic book history!

Tintin and Quick and Flupke make their first appearance in Le Petit Vingtième. Ninety years ago the first "Le Petit Vingtième", was published as a weekly supplement for children to the Belgian newspaper "Le Vingtième Siècle". One year later, in 1929, Hergé starts with 'Tintin au Pays des Soviets' (Tintin in the Land of the Soviets). The rest is Comic book history!

43 objects
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