Charity Auction ('Your Chair, Their Shelter' for NGO CEAR)

All proceeds from this auction will go to CEAR. Catawiki will waive its commission fee for the benefit of the charity. CEAR has about 1250 places of welcome destined to the attention of people requesting international protection and people in situations of extreme psychological, physical and / or social vulnerability and that are distributed in reception devices in the following Autonomous Communities: Andalusia, Canary Islands , Catalonia, Valencian Community, Euskadi, Navarra and Madrid.

All proceeds from this auction will go to CEAR. Catawiki will waive its commission fee for the benefit of the charity. CEAR has about 1250 places of welcome destined to the attention of people requesting international protection and people in situations of extreme psychological, physical and / or social vulnerability and that are distributed in reception devices in the following Autonomous Communities: Andalusia, Canary Islands , Catalonia, Valencian Community, Euskadi, Navarra and Madrid.

33 objects
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