Classic Art auction (Watercolour and Artwork)

This auction is part of (Not Active) Classical Watercolours & Artworks

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Classic Art Auction (Watercolour and Artwork)

Looking for exceptional watercolors or drawings? Search within Catawiki’s Classical Art Auction and you will find a multitude of excellence options to add to your collection. The watercolors and drawings auction often includes the works of classical artists such as Ton Peeters, Louis Goegebeur, and M. Guillebert, as well as objects from a wide variety of other talented artists. Most listings provide a description of the artwork, including the provenance and condition of the object. Own a treasured painting or drawing that you are ready to part ways with? Catawiki’s auctions also represent an excellence avenue upon which you can sell such items. Take the first step towards doing so by signing up on Catawiki’s online auction today!