Claims & Unsold Lots
How is my feedback score calculated?

If certain conditions are met, your seller overview page will show an overall feedback score. This score is the percentage of positive feedback you've received based on your overall (positive and negative) feedback for the past 12 months.

Neutral feedback is not included in this calculation.

For example: A seller with 142 positive, 13 negative, and 17 neutral reviews would have a feedback score of 91.6%.

The calculation for this would be (positive/(positive+negative))x100 → (142/(142+13))x100 → (142/155)x100 → 0.916x100=91.6%

We only show your feedback score if you've had at least 5 instances of feedback. In the total overview, we only show positive feedback that contains text. However, we still include positive feedback without any text responses in your overall feedback score.

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