Start by signing in
Sign in to your Catawiki account before contacting us to make the process quicker and easier. We can then give you personalised help on specific objects or other topics.
Order-specific help
For help with an order, you can go to the order page of the object and get support from there.
Get in contact from a help centre article
You can also contact us from the help centre article related to your question. Most help centre articles have a ‘Contact us’ button at the end of the article, which you can use to get in touch. From there, you can add details about your question and our support team will get back to you as soon as possible. The more details you provide, the easier it will be for our support team to assist you.
Contact methods
After you send your request via the help centre article related to your query, we might recommend or choose the most efficient contact method for you, e.g.:
- Live chat for quick questions and updates.
- Phone if your question is about 3 or fewer objects.
- Email to report any issues with your objects, or if your question relates to more than 2 objects.
We offer support in these languages:
- Telephone: EN, ES, IT, FR, NL, DE
- Email and chat: EN, ES, IT, FR, NL, DE, ZH, PT, PL
Before contacting us, you might find the answer you're looking for in our help centre:
- Where is my order?
- Find out your order’s shipping status and how to check its track and trace information.
- There’s a problem with the order I received.
- Find out what to do next and check what information we need to assist you.
- How does bidding work?
- Find out how the bidding system works and the different kinds of bids you can place.
- What is the fee I have to pay?
- Find out why we charge a small fee on purchases.
We also recommend keeping in touch with the seller in case you have any concerns about your purchase. Contacting them, before reaching out to us, is usually the best way to address any issues.
Fair dispute resolution
Catawiki's goal is to reach a fair and reasonable resolution for all parties involved in a complaint or dispute. We review cases impartially based on our policies, best practices, and expert guidance from our Trust & Safety team.
Potential resolutions include:
- Partial or full refunds
- Order cancellations
- Listing removals
- Account suspensions or restrictions
- Law enforcement referrals (counterfeits, fraud, etc.)
While we aim to handle matters directly through our internal process first, we also respect users' rights to pursue approved external dispute resolution mechanisms if they remain unsatisfied. Please refer to the Dutch Consumer and Markets Authority’s website to find out which dispute resolution mechanisms have been approved.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to assisting you!