Category specific tips
What happens when a vehicle needs to be returned?

Once the outcome of your claim results in the decision to return the vehicle to the seller, Catawiki will notify you on the specific instructions on what to do. As a general rule, you will need to ensure that the following is in order:

  • Transport documentation in order.
  • Vehicle registration/deregulation completed accordingly.
  • Ensure the paperwork & number plates are returned in the condition they were received.

Once this is completed, you will need to make the arrangements to return the vehicle to the seller. This will be either informed to you by our specialists across the course of the claim, or by direct arrangement with the seller. 

Until the shipment arrives with the seller, the buyer will be responsible for any damages sustained during the return journey. This means that should any further damage occur, it would fall to you as the buyer, to take up any claims with the courier service directly. As this is the case, it's imperative that you document the return shipment at the time of collection. This means taking photos of the vehicle being stored, any damages that it had when it was delivered, etc.

An additional note is with regards to how a Right of Withdrawal Policy situation is handled. If a buyer invokes their right to cancel and return a purchase via the European law, they're also subject to any and all returning costs. This includes, but is not limited to, return shipment fees, costs to revert the ownership back to the seller, etc. It's important to be aware of this, as it will be a buyers responsibility to cover said fees. 

For any general information on how vehicular claims are handled, please see the following article

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