Shipping & Delivery
Can I arrange to pick up my item?

Can I pick up my object?

Arranging a collection

Can I arrange my own shipping and collection service?

How do I know how far away an item is for pick up?

Can I pick up my object?

You can pick up most objects sold on Catawiki. Sellers determine whether the object can be picked up. You can find this information under the “shipping information” panel below the item's description. Simply scroll down the page of your desired object and click “Show more” to reveal the shipping details. It will look something like this: 

Once you win your object, you simply need to make sure that you select the ‘pick up’ option when going through the checkout process. 

If you have paid for shipping as part of your purchase but come to an arrangement with the seller to collect the object instead, the seller will need to reimburse the shipping costs directly to you, as the payment cannot be partially refunded by Catawiki. This is due to how payments are processed with our payment provider, Stripe. 

Please be aware that if the seller has not specified if the item can be picked up, we cannot guarantee that it will be possible to arrange a pick-up. 

If you meet in person with the seller to collect an item, please make sure to inspect the object in detail before accepting it. Once you have collected the item and have been reimbursed for the postage fee, please let us know so that we can adjust the order to “delivered” and ensure that the seller gets paid.

Arranging a collection

Sellers often mark large or cumbersome items as ‘pickup required’, meaning that there is no shipping option available from the seller. In these situations you will need to discuss directly with the seller the best time to collect the item. Learn how to contact the seller here.  

Can I arrange my own shipping and collection service?

Yes, you can. However, before you start making the arrangements and ordering a courier to collect the object, you should discuss this option directly with the seller first. They need to be aware of your intentions and you both need to come to an agreement on a timeframe. Note that if a seller has a contract with a courier company (more common for luxury items), you may not be able to use your own courier, so it’s always a good idea to check with the seller first.

Please note that in cases where an order has a shipping fee associated with it, we cannot change or remove this payment requirement. This means that you will need to pay the shipping fee upfront and discuss with the seller for a reimbursement of said fee. 

How do I know how far away an object is for pick-up?

You can get a rough estimate of an object’s location by checking the seller's location. You can find the location (city and country) under the shipping information, immediately below the object information panel. Note that we cannot give the exact address of the seller on a public page. 

If you are looking to arrange multiple shipments to be combined into a single shipment, we have a helpful article to explain the process.

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