Manual shipping and smart shipping
With manual shipping, you set the shipping price, choose your own insurance and buy your own shipping label. You determine the price of shipping with your preferred company before sending the object.
This differs from smart shipping, where you get a pre-filled shipping label at a discounted price (up to 35% less than if you buy a shipping label yourself) and you have the option to quickly and easily add insurance while submitting your object or once your object is sold.
Adding insurance to manual shipping
If you want to add shipping insurance, you need to arrange it yourself with your chosen shipping company or insurance company. When you're submitting your object, make sure to add the insurance cost to the shipping costs you charge.
Note: You can only edit shipping costs for objects that haven’t been submitted yet.
If you are unable to submit your object because the shipping costs are too high, please contact us.
How much does it cost to add shipping insurance?
The cost of shipping insurance will depend on the shipping company you choose to ship your order with.
Manual shipping insurance best practices
Double check your shipping company’s coverage:
It’s important to find insurance that covers your object type, destinations and the full value of your object.