Shipping & Pick up
Customs & fees
I sold a vehicle and have received a signed copy of the CMR. What do I need to do with it?
When and how do I need to declare customs?
When do I need to consider import or export restrictions?
I’m a non-EU professional seller. How do I use Catawiki’s IOSS (Tax ID) number?
As a professional seller from a non-EU country, why must I provide Catawiki’s French VAT or IOSS numbers?
What is Catawiki’s Singapore GST number and when do I need to use it?
Info about customs with smart shipping
How to resolve smart shipping customs issues
Arranging pick up
The buyer wants to pick up the vehicle I sold. Is this possible?
I sold a vehicle on Catawiki. How long do I need to wait for the buyer to pick it up?
When and how do I arrange the pick-up of an object?
Shipment preparation
Do I have to send my lot by registered mail with confirmation of receipt?
I sold a car to a buyer in another country. What are my next steps?
I sold a vehicle on Catawiki. What are the next steps?
I've arranged shipping for the vehicle I sold. What are the next steps?
If I sell a vehicle, do I need to send the original vehicle papers to the buyer?
What do I need to know about shipping my objects internationally?
When should I ship my object?
When do I need to consider import or export restrictions?
Shipping to the Canary Islands
Shipping costs
When and how can I set correct shipping costs?
Can I change the shipping costs I set for my objects?
Can I ship multiple objects together to the same buyer?
It is possible to get the shipping costs paid in advance?
Who pays for the second shipping costs if I have to send a lot twice?
Status and tracking
I sold a vehicle and have received a signed copy of the CMR. What do I need to do with it?
How does tracking work?
How shipping insurance works
Info about manual shipping insurance
Info about smart shipping insurance
Shipping and delivery issues
The vehicle I sold was damaged during shipping. What do I do?
What do I do if the object gets lost or is damaged during shipping?
What happens if the order that I shipped gets returned to me?
What is the best way to handle an issue after the order has been delivered?
What should I do if an object I sold got damaged or stolen before I could ship it?
What should I do if the buyer’s address is incorrect?
German Packaging Act
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