Lot Submission & Evaluation
How are objects ranked and sorted on Catawiki?

How are objects ranked in an auction?

Our experts determine the position of an object in an online auction. When ranking objects, the expert’s goal is to provide buyers an appealing mix of objects in the online auction. Our experts will determine the position of an object based on their experience, the details of the object, and the factors below: 

  • What date and time an object was submitted to us.
  • What the value of an object is compared to the other objects in the auction.
  • If an object has a reserve price or not.
  • If an object was previously unsold on our online marketplace and is now being re-offered there.
  • The relevance and clarity of the photos or videos and associated object description.
  • The similarity of objects in the same auction. Objects that are similar will, where possible, be spread out evenly in the online auction.
  • The relevance and connection between the object’s details and the online auction. For example, if your object has a particular detail (time period, brand, etc.) that is relevant to the type of online auction.

How are objects sorted on Catawiki?

You’re able to search and filter objects on Catawiki to find exactly what you’re looking for. When you search for an object, results are ranked to ensure the most value for you. When you perform a search query for an object, we default sort by ‘relevance.’ Within auctions, objects are sorted by ‘time remaining.’ Search results may be influenced by paid promotions, if that’s the case, we’ll inform you thereof.

We also rely on personalisation to help you find the objects you love - so when you sort objects, in most cases you’ll see what’s based on your interests first.

Sort options


When you perform a search query, objects that are more likely to match your specific needs are shown first. The search engine looks at keyword, product description and product attribute matches to determine relevance.

Time remaining

Objects that are closing soon are shown first.

Newly added

Objects that are recently added and put up for auction are shown first.


The order of the objects is manually curated by the expert of the auction. In collections, the objects are sorted randomly to ensure that you always see a good mix of the variety of objects in the collection. Certain objects may be pinned at the top to showcase them.

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