We’ll email you as soon as the buyer has paid. You’ll then need to ship the order within 3 working days.
Smart shipping
We’ll get an update from the shipping company once you hand the package over to them. You don’t need to add the tracking code on the order page.
Manual shipping
Make sure to always ship with a shipping company that uses tracking codes so you, the buyer and we can stay updated. Once you’ve handed the package to the shipping company, add the tracking code on the order page and mark the order as shipped.
You’ll need to prepare for customs if your object sells to a buyer from a different country or a buyer outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) if you live in an EEA country. Make sure to get everything ready for customs as soon as possible so the package is ready to hand over to the shipping company within 3 working days. With smart shipping, we guide you through the customs process to make it easier. Find out more about customs with smart shipping.
Keep in mind, shipping the order is one of your obligations as a seller. Make sure to do it as soon as possible to avoid issues.
If for some reason you can’t ship within 3 working days, please message the buyer to let them know about the delay and when you expect to be able to ship the order.