At Catawiki we want to ensure that the items in our auctions reflect the unique, harder to find objects of value that bidders are looking for.
This is why we have set per category a minimum estimated value a lot should achieve in auction in order to be admitted.
During lot evaluation our in-house Experts carefully review and select admittable items, considering various aspects and product characteristics that determine the quality and influence the value an item is expected to sell for in our auctions.
At Catawiki we auction whiskies and spirits from across the globe that are unusual and that can be enjoyed or collected.
For our auctions we seek and select:
- Bottles containing premium quality whisky, Cognac, Armagnac and rum
- Collectable and sought after bottles of fine spirits and liqueurs
- Bottles that were stored well and have a fill level of at least low-shoulder
- Bottles from a wide range of reputable producers, across diverse regions
- Bottles with a minimum value per bottle of €20 and a minimum lot value of €75
As well as
- Collectable, sought after accessories from a selection of reputable brands
- Items that are in at least fair condition
- Accessory lots with a minimum lot value of €75
If you need any extra guidance regarding our acceptance criteria, please find the submission guidelines attached below.